菅原總合武道研究所台灣支部 水月館道場

Sugawara Budo Taiwan, Suigetsukan Dojo

Li, Yuan-Wei (李元瑋)

  • Katori Kyoshi


Dojo Address:


永安藝文館 三樓舞蹈教室

3F, No. 156-1, Sec. 2, Muxin Rd.,

Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)




Regular class happens every Saturday from 2pm - 5pm (GMT+8).

Advanced classes are by appointment; but usually happens every Thursday 12pm - 2pm (GMT+8).

Additional meet ups between members are encouraged and commonplace.

Outdoor practices and demonstration events are also conducted.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KatoriShintoRyuTW

Additional Info:

We hope to meet any new or old friends.

Please come visit and practice with us! Monthly fee: $1800 NTD normal, $1500 NTD for students.

There are 4 free trial classes. After the trial classes you may decide whether to join us as a member and begin to pay monthly fees.

We do not charge fees to friends visiting temporarily to practice with us.

Contact Us

For further information, please contact us here or on facebook and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.