Ainu sword of Shiogama Shrine in Miyagi prefecture in Honshu. Nakago (right side pictures) shapes are may be indicate their group symbol. Shiogama shrine was established in early Heian period (794-1192).
昭和63年新春特別展『日本刀の美と世界の刀』(P.17, 1988)(編集発行:鹽竈神社)
Shiogama shrine museum:
Grave post and Nakago shape.
Grave post of Ainu group in Hokkaido. Their symbols are may be engraved to their own sword. But Hokkaido Ainu and Honshu Ainu are deferent group (name also different). Pictured by Tetsutaka Sugawara at Hokkaido Ainu Association:
This map shown Ainu group territory or job. (Picture at Hokkaido Ainu Association). Ainu people was migrated from the Far-East to Hokkaido. It is mysterious that they made iron by smelting their self or not. Tetsutaka Sugawara looking for a earthenware pot furnace for iron smelting in Hokkaido, near his birth place of Obira Cho, Rumoi-gun.
symbols of ainu’s God, Sword shape express a Sea-master(god of sea)
A sword, grave goods, with Fujiwara Kiyohira’s coffin at Chusonji temple in Iwate prefecture (Honshu). This sword shape is similar to Ainu sword, but quality is more better than Ainu sword. This is a mysterious point. May be Ainu group and Honshu group was joined and improved their skill up to better quality.
Fujiwara Kiyohira (1056 -1126). Chusonji:
This Ainu sword is a collection of Mr. Walter in Phoenix, Arizona USA who polished.
Warabite-to excavated from Aomori and Akita Prefecture in Japan. Wasabi is means brake. From “Warabite-to” by Masakuni Ishi, published by Yuzankaku Inc.
Ryukoduka-to (from “Warabite-to” by Masakuni Ishii."
The transition from the straight sword to Curved Tachi sword, from “Warabite-to”, p. 183.
Iwakute (Ainu festival)
Excavated the Buried swords which used for the Ainu festival called “Iwakute” in 1966, they prayed sword return to the god in upper-heaven. That is why Ainu sword usually not so easy to find older one.
Original archaeological report 1973『釧路川流域の遺蹟1973』(Ruin at the Kushiro River basin, 1973). referred by Shibecha-Cho historical research association report concerning to the Kushiro River basin.